One Week Off: Will Resume on April 29

I will be taking a vacation from this blog for one week, starting Saturday, April 22.

Next week (April 23-29) I will be on a silent retreat in a monastery in rural Kentucky. Limited Internet access. No phone signal. Just me, nature, the monks, a few books, and my thoughts.

But no Bruckner blog.

I realize I just finished Symphony No 8 and I’m about to start Symphony No. 9.

But I can’t finish it before I leave, and I don’t want to start until I can finish it.

This seems to be a perfect stopping point. So I’ll do so.

When I return, I’ll listen to eight conductors interpret Anton Bruckner’s (unfinished) Symphony No. 9.

If you’d like to rejoin me for the finale of this journey, please come back on April 29th.

If not, I appreciate the time you spent visiting my site(s), even if it was just to pop in once to see what’s going on.

Thank you.

I’ll see you in a week!

– Bill

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