Day 38: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Janowski)

My “office” this morning is the second floor of the Panera Bread restaurant, the obligatory wife sleeping in the chair nearby. As she snores, I am listening to Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A Major (WAB 106), interpreted by Polish-born German conductor Marek Janowski (1939-). Maestro Janowski’s orchestra is Orchestre de la Suisse Romande. … [Read more…]

Day 37: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Inbal)

My “office” today is the second floor of the local library. I love this place. But you already knew that. Give me a book store or library any day and I’m a very, very happy man. If I could, I’d live in a book store or library. Of course, some would say I already do … [Read more…]

Day 34: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Barenboim)

Today, I am sick as a dog. But I’m soldiering through, listening to Daniel Barenboim’s interpretation of Bruckner’s Sixth. Also, I’m at one of my favorite eateries, enjoying three of the best chili dogs ever to grace a plate. “Three with everything” is how you order them at Red Hot Inn. They arrive looking like … [Read more…]

Day 33: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Barenboim)

Today starts a brand new cycle in my Bruckner journey! This morning, I am listening to Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A Major (WAB 106) interpreted by Argentine-born pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim (1942-), whom I saw conduct the Staatskapelle Berlin in a performance of Bruckner’s Eighth at Carnegie Hall on January 28th of … [Read more…]